Our Team
GP Partners
Dr S Brand
BSc (MedSci), MB, ChB, MRCGP (Dist), DFSH, CPGGP
GP Partner, GP Trainer
Dr Brand qualified from the University of St Andrews/Manchester in 2001. He is a GP Trainer and responsible for the training of GP Speciality Trainees. He is also a GP … [continue] Dr S Brand
Dr J Barber
BSc (Hons), MB ChB, MRCGP, DPD (Dist)
GP Partner, GP Trainer
Dr Barber qualified from The University of Manchester in 2010. He joined the practice in 2014 as a Registrar before becoming a partner in 2015. He is a GP Trainer … [continue] Dr J Barber
Dr D Pole
GP Partner
Dr Pole graduated in 1995 from St. Andrews and Manchester University. She has been a GP Partner since 2001. She provides supervision for junior doctors and runs the contraceptive implant … [continue] Dr D Pole
Dr N Bloomfield
GP Partner
Dr Nick Bloomfield qualified from The University of Birmingham in 2013. He joined the practice in 2019 as a Registrar and has been a GP Partner with us since 2022.
Salaried Doctors
Dr E Willert
Salaried GP
Dr Willert qualified from The University of Manchester in 1997 and joined the practice in 2004 as a salaried Doctor. She is involved in teaching students at the practice and … [continue] Dr E Willert
Dr S Churchill
MBChB, BMedSci (Hons), MRCGP
Salaried GP
Dr Churchill qualified from the University of Sheffield in 2014 and completed his postgraduate training in Greater Manchester. He worked at the practice in 2018 as a trainee before rejoining … [continue] Dr S Churchill
Dr P Patel
Salaried GP
Dr Patel qualified from the University of Nottingham in 2016 and completed her foundation training in the East Midlands. She went on to GP training in the North West and … [continue] Dr P Patel
GP Training
GP specialist trainees
GP specialist trainees, often referred to as GP registrars, are fully trained doctors aiming to specialise as GPs.
Foundation programme
Foundation programme doctors (referred to as F1/F2 or junior doctors) are qualified doctors who are gaining experience in a GP Practice.
Subha – Clinical Pharmacist
Practice Pharmacist
Subha is a clinical pharmacist who worked as a community pharmacist before joining the practice in January 2021. She supports GPs in improving the quality of care and ensuring patient … [continue] Subha – Clinical Pharmacist
Practice nurses
Sister Christine Sutton
Practice Nurse
Our practice nurses are available by appointment Monday to Friday. They can advise on travel and child immunisations, diet, smoking cessation, alcohol control and carry out general health checks and … [continue] Sister Christine Sutton
Sister Debra Holmes
Practice Nurse
Our practice nurses are available by appointment Monday to Friday. They can advise on travel and child immunisations, diet, smoking cessation, alcohol control and carry out general health checks and … [continue] Sister Debra Holmes
Sister Chloe McNeil
Practice Nurse
Our practice nurses are available by appointment Monday to Friday. They can advise on travel and child immunisations, diet, smoking cessation, alcohol control and carry out general health checks and … [continue] Sister Chloe McNeil
Mrs Marie Tootill
Health Care Assistant
Our health care assistants are trained to carry out new patient health checks, over 75 health checks and also free health and cholesterol checks. They perform basic checks to assist … [continue] Mrs Marie Tootill
Our Management Team
Catherine Powers
Practice Manager
The Practice Manager oversees all the business and strategic aspects of the Practice, such as making sure the right systems are in place to provide high quality of patient care, … [continue] Catherine Powers
Practice staff
Our Care Navigators
Our Care Navigators [Receptionists] are a fundamental element of the health centre and its system. Without an effective care navigation team, our systems would falter. Their task although sounding simple … [continue] Our Care Navigators
Workflow Team
Our workflow administrators support our patient data systems, ensuring that the data we receive from the various agencies, trusts and other parties is protected and placed into the right places … [continue] Workflow Team
Care Coordinators
Unlike our care navigators, our care coordinators work to support specific patients cohorts. This is a new role to the health centre and we are very excited about the work … [continue] Care Coordinators
Medical Secretary
Mrs Carole Lamb
Administration Manager
Mrs Alison Crank
Reception Supervisor
Carole and Alison take care of the day-to-day running of this busy GP surgery and will be only too happy to answer any questions you may have. They are available … [continue] Mrs Alison Crank
Karen, Sue, Gina, Julie, Marie, Julie J, Natalie, Ashleigh and Louise. Our dedictated reception team will always be here to handle your enquiries, book appointments, arrange the issue of prescriptions … [continue] Receptionists
External Services
Social Services
Social services help with all kinds of social problems. Telephone: 0161 912 5199 Fax: 0161 912 5127/5128 Minicom: 0161 912 5129 Child Protection: 0161 912 5124/5125 Email: IAT@Trafford.gov.uk
Attached Staff
Community Midwives
Community midwives work with the doctors to provide care for mothers before and after delivery and care of the baby for the first fortnight of life. Clinics are held on … [continue] Community Midwives
Community Nurses
District nurses provide nursing treatment to the housebound and patients recently discharged from hospital. They can help with minor injuries, dressings, injections and removal of stitches. These sessions are by appointment … [continue] Community Nurses
Health Visitors
Health visitors visit all families with children under five years of age. They provide information, health promotion, advice and support to all age groups. Telephone: 0161 912 2287
Macmillan Nurses
The Macmillan nurse visits and cares for patients living with cancer in their homes and gives advice and support to their families. Telephone: 0161 746 2080
Community Psychiatric Nurses
Community psychiatric nurses help with mental health problems. Telephone: 0161 358 1390